
Get addicted to happiness, it is the best addiction you can get and you don't need rehab to treat it. When you reach happiness, you just have to go with the flow and enjoy the ride, that's life all about. Happiness is not a place or just a feeling, it should be a way of life, a habit. Make happiness a part of your life and get your fairytale. Happily ever after.

Thursday 30 June 2011

Make love not war by loving yourself!

The ultimate lesson all of us have to learn is unconditional love, which includes not only others but ourselves as well - Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

I have been super busy the whole week. It has been a challenging week. I could compare my work for making a snow ball. I have been rolling it and it has been getting bigger and bigger and it has started to get so big that it is difficult to control it. At the moment it is just a perfect size to make a snowman!! J I feel that I want to do as much as I can while I am here but I have to know my limits. I can’t be doing everything and being everywhere. That is what I have been doing the last weeks and I have started to feel it. I have been tired and frustrated. Also I have been feeling slight lack of motivation due to fact that I am burning myself up. I am trying to give too much. I realize that.

Part of happiness is to have time for yourself and I have been ignoring my own needs and that is affecting me. I have been concentrating doing things for other people which is good but the most important person into the world is me. It sound selfish but it is really important to understand!  If I am not satisfied who I am, how I feel and what I do, it is difficult to give anything to anyone. How can I love someone if we don’t love myself? How can we accept people how they are if we don’t except ourselves the way we are?

So the first person you should help, if you want to help, is yourself.

We just discussed in one of our meetings that running away from home, from work; from marriage is not the answer for problems. The problem, in most of the cases, is the person himself and we can’t runaway from ourselves. We make all our problems, everything is in our heads. Wanting to make good begins from a person himself, he or she needs to be happy and in harmony with himself before he or she can help others. To find a solution to any problem, we should start looking it inside us. Most of the problems are in our head like the solutions.

More positive we are fewer problems we will have. Attitude makes a difference.

I feel that some of these people here are not with pure heart just helping other people, they are running away from themselves and that is affecting other people who are here sincerely to give help to them who are in need.

I have had lots of challenges during this week (Notice challenges not problems! J) and few of them have been relationship issues and position issues. Some people here are not happy of their position…what??? People are following the guidance of Jesus and I don’t think that HE thinks that we should put our own interests over the needs for other. We are working here, we don’t get paid and we are not looking for promotions. We are here to help the people in Sierra Leone, what does it matter which position we hold??? We should be here for one goal. One goal only, the goal to make things better but I feel that all of us are not, which is sad but we are not living in a perfect world!!


We all have some own interests but we should concentrate working for the poor and sick people, am I being stupid to think that?
Should I also start complaining that the food is not good or the working hours are affecting my social live. Or I should be the Captain because I have the license. NO!! We are in Africa and we are here to provide hope and healing for the local people. This is not a holiday and we are not here to get glory and to have a great career with all the benefits!! Although this is a really nice place for all us and maybe it is too nice! People forget why they are here and for some of these people this is a great getaway.  Mercy ships provide such a good environment for the crew that it is easy to lose yourself from reality.

We should make time for ourselves and pursue for our own interests that we could help these people more but we shouldn’t forget why we are here!

Anyway the topic for all this was the importance to spend some time with yourself and remind yourself what you are doing and why you are doing what ever you are doing. What you want to be and how happy you actually are. It is really important to explore yourself and do things that make you happy. Have some quality time with yourself. Find all the solutions for your problems inside you. Look hard and you will find the answers in you. It is NOT important what you do, where you are or what is your position. It is important what you think about yourself and how happy you are what ever you do.

It is NOT important what other people think about you, it is important what YOU think about yourself!! –Ville Patrikainen

Big part of happiness is to have time for yourself and you have to make that time or you get unhappy and you burn out. We have to be selfish to be happy and to be able to help other people. We have to start loving ourselves to be able to give love and make love.

LOVE…what amazing thing!!

What the world would be without love?  


Little bit out of topic but love is good, love is everything. Love is HAPPINESS.

Let’s make love not war by loving ourselves. J

"Where your pleasure is, there is your treasure: where your treasure, there your heart; where your heart, there your happiness."
Saint Augustine

Sunday 26 June 2011

Why the world sometimes sucks?

“Work is either fun or drudgery. It depends on your attitude. I like fun”.-Colleen C. Barrett

It’s been a hard week. Emotionally, physically and mentally but extremely satisfying in every aspect! The harder I work the better I feel, so it is true that more we give the more we get.

Anyway, after the garbage fiasco we have encountered few other challenges like our diving operation on Friday. Wow, the divers jumped into garbage, literally. Our water around the ship was covered with all kind of dirt, dead rats, food waste and some other garbage but we had to clean our intakes. Luckily it wasn’t my turn to dive but I feel sorry for the guys who did it. Good work. 

Also I did some safety rounds and noticed some defects in our Galley which need urgent attention, so that will be next week’s huge challenge. On a ship like this which is in a place like this, the challenges just don’t stop. Everyday some new surprises appear to challenge us but I have notice that people here give up. They stop caring…During this week I have tried to get people understand that they just can’t give up, we have to keep on trying to make things better. People think here that it’s okay to work in dirty conditions with broken tools, we are in Africa. TIA (“this is Africa” from the movie Blood Diamonds). NO!!!! and NO!!! Even the Europeans and Americans think that. If we don’t show example, why we are here then? I thought that we are here to make a difference, to help these people to develop and grow. I know that we aren’t here just to live like them and accept things how they are. We are here to change things!!!!! Nothing is going to happen if we, the people who have come here to make difference, stop caring. We have to pursue for excellence in all areas. Small things make a difference and a several small things make a change.

That is how I think.

“You really can change the world if you care enough”.-Marian Wright Edelman

I have felt frustrated because I feel like I am the only one here with all this big ideas to change things. People are with me but they just don’t have the FIRE in them to make things happen. Why they are here then???? Waste time? Nothing else to do? For an adventure? Maybe, I don’t know. Or maybe they also have felt frustrated and haven’t had enough strength to do anything and they have just stopped caring.

I have noticed that some of the people here just do the minimum hours, complain how things are here and do noting about it. Wow. I don’t understand the mentality that something here is someone else responsibility and noting can be done because it has been always like that. I feel…disappointment. That mentality makes my work harder and it affects the life’s of these people here in Sierra Leone.  The less we complain and more we do, the more we will help. That is why we are here. TO HELP!

Amazing, that is the world what people are doing here so don't get me wrong. So many good things happen here everyday but I just feel that we could do more.

I am privileged to work with these amazing people but sometimes its good to shake things up and that is what I am doing, I am trying to give these wonderful people more strength to do what they do and I think and I know that they are doing amazing work!! J

“Having a positive mental attitude is asking how something can be done rather than saying it can't be done”.-Bo Bennett

Yesterday I needed a break too, so we went on a beach but before we got there we had to take a taxi or kind of local taxi, boda, boda. First we had to negotiate a price which took an hour because some of our group members were not happy about the “service” and the price. I was amazed but anyway the driver didn’t know were the beach was. That was ONE of the first issues and then of course the price. We were fighting over few dollars and we had a group of 14. Funny! How people find energy to fight over things like that but when it comes to work they are tired. J  Finally we found a solution and on our way we were. The next challenge was when the cops stopped us and the driver didn’t have a driving license. J Well, he paid the officer. And on our way we were once again…Smoke started to come from the engine which wasn’t a good sign but we continue our journey and we finally got to the beach. We had a great time there, lovely day. On the way back our driver were having lots of problems with the clutch and the gearbox but we were moving ahead anyway. Also on the way back was funny to see when the driver started drink beer while driving!!! I have never seen that before. So the driver didn’t have a driving license, he was drinking, he didn’t know the directions and the vehicle was falling apart. A great taxi ride!!! J  

I had a blast, what a road trip!!! J  

Experiences like that just give us energy, energy to help. All the challenges give me energy, especially when I get over them. Seeing the positive side of things is energy. What ever happens and if we survive from it and can laugh about it, is like a superpower which helps us to make great things.

“Attitude is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than what people do or say. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill”.-W. C. Fields 

If you think that the life sometimes sucks it is because of your attitude. Life is amazing.
Positive thinking is the key to a better world. I am doing my part, what about you?    

Thursday 23 June 2011


“I believe that the very purpose of life is to be happy. From the very core of our being, we desire contentment. In my own limited experience I have found that the more we care for the happiness of others, the greater is our own sense of well-being. Cultivating a close, warmhearted feeling for others automatically puts the mind at ease. It helps remove whatever fears or insecurities we may have and gives us the strength to cope with any obstacles we encounter. It is the principal source of success in life. Since we are not solely material creatures, it is a mistake to place all our hopes for happiness on external development alone. The key is to develop inner peace.”

-Dalai Lama

Yesterday was one the hardest days while here in Sierra Leone. We helped the garbage guys to pick up our garbage. Why we did that, it was because normally when they come, if they come, they just pick up what is appropriate for them. Fair enough.  They don’t get paid and their only income is what they can find from the garbage. The Government is providing this service and they should pay these people. It is not happening. So when they come, they leave most of the garbage in our garbage container which causes some health and smell issues. Not a good thing.

Yesterday we were IN the container, shoveling garbage for two hours, trying to make things better. My hands still smells…It was a crab job.

Which does not kill you, make you stronger! Yesterday was one of those days.

I have been trying to make things better regarding the garbage by calling different people, trying to get things moving and sometimes it has helped but most of the time I got replay that call someone else. Wow, what to do?

I have been trying to talk with the garbage guys and every time they agree to do as I request them to do. Perfect, or not!
Corruption is so deep here that without paying to some one, nothing really happens. So once again, what to do?

Yesterday I tried to find a solution and we fed all the garbage guys and we also offered to help to recycle our cans, that they could get the cans separately to make some money. Once again they agreed to help us, even the manager of the garbage company, who came to visit me agreed. 

The future will tell what the outcome on this matter is…

Trying to find happiness on this feels little bit hard but not impossible. We worked as a team and we had few laughs after all the hard work which brought us together. Challenges and difficulties bring people together and a feeling to be part of a team is one piece of the happiness puzzle.

I was really happy yesterday when I finally got in the shower and got rid of all the dirty, smelly clothes. Happiness is about small things, like a hot shower after a long and hard day or a bed, were you can just lay down and relax after all the challenges.

It’s good to look around and see the small things; the happiness is hiding in and on them. Or if you just listen and you can't hear anything except silence; that is happiness. :)

“Happiness is like a butterfly, which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you”. –Nathaniel Hawthorne 

Sunday 19 June 2011

Sex, drugs and rock n roll - or NOT!!

I have committed to serve here for three months and on those months I have committed not to drink alcohol while onboard or do any immorality acts which mean no sex. So where do I get my pleasures? We can’t consume any alcohol? Here are no really places to shop and the food is really simple rice and meat stuff. Sex is not allowed. So where do we get our pleasures and do we need them for our happiness?

“The essence of philosophy is that man should live that his happiness shall depend as little as possible on external things”. -Epictetus

This blog is about pleasure vs. happiness.

Today we went on a local church for Sunday service. It was a gospel service and there was some preaching and singing. It was an experience. A good one! People got pleasure by getting together for singing and worshipping. After the service we were invited for a lunch in one of our workers home. She made us some local food…interesting experience. J But it was really nice way to spend the Sunday afternoon. We Socialized, ate, walked a little bit and got some sun. It was pleasures but there were some basic elements of happiness.  

People confuse happiness with pleasure all the time, difference between those two is that happiness comes inside us, and pleasure is depended on external stimulates. Happiness can be and should be long lasting; pleasure is usually a short joy.

What I mean about all this is that we can fill our lives with joy, with different pleasures both still be unhappy. Pleasures don’t bring happiness. It might help but it also can be a gateway to unhappiness.

There are so many different types of pleasures like eating, drinking, shopping, having sex…

For example too much eating, too much partying or too much shopping, any of those usually leads to unhappiness.

So where is the line? How much pleasure do we need to be happy or do we need even it for our happiness?

Here on the ship people get together, have dinners together, watch movies, go to the beach and just hung around; chatting. I love that. We don’t have to get drunk to have fun and have hangover on the next day while trying to remember what happened. I feel like I am happier that I can have fun without all the drinking and partying. I haven’t watch TV while being here so that is liberating, I have so much more time to do other stuff like socialize, read, and work out, and so much more. By stimulating myself with different activities I make myself happier. If I would just sit all day, doing nothing and watching TV, I would get unhappy. Don’t get me wrong, I do spend days doing nothing and it can be really relaxing. But to be happy, we have to keep our minds busy, challenge ourselves, socialize and do things that make us happy. We have to understand the difference between pleasure and happiness to achieve real happiness.

We do need pleasures to be happy but we have to choose the right pleasures.

Here the local people don’t have lots of external stimulants to pleasure them and people are happy!! It is amazing to see how people are happy here and I think there are lots of reasons for that. No worries, they socialize, no stress, they have time for themselves; they have time for their families, they live simple lifes. We could learn these thinks from these people.

Simple life brings happiness.

“If you want to be happy, set a goal, commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes”. –Andrew Carnegie



Thursday 16 June 2011

I have a dream!

"Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world." Joel Barker

Working as a leader in a multicultural environment is a challenge. On my team we have people from Russia, U.S.A, Ukraine, Philippines, Germany and different parts of Africa, so it is a mixture of everything. How to get people from different cultures to work for one goal as a team? That is the question I have been dealing in the last few weeks or actually I have been dealing the same problem in the last four years while working on Princess Cruises ships.

I have a dream. I do have a dream. My dream is to help these people and not only the people in Sierra Leone, the people here on the ship.
I have been working to get everybody together by being example and by being there for them. I listen and I am always available. I care.

You block your dream when you allow your fear grow bigger than your faith.

I work by them, and with them, as a team. I encourage them to get better and now we are about to start new training schedule which include different types of training for all. The objective is to give these people skills to handle all types of work no matter what it is.

We created a new group of petty officers. We picked up the most skillful people to lead, share their knowledge, and teach and to be an example.

I am really excited about all this. I feel really good about it, I have been getting good feed back.

Would we be able to get everybody to work as team and share our knowledge beyond the borders?

I belive we can!

I have lots to learn but I also have lots to give and I hope everybody feels the same.

Building a team takes time and effort but I know we on the right track now.

I just said to my team today that we not here just to help the people in Sierra Leone, we are here to help each others and we are here to help ourselves. It is important that we develop ourselves as a human being and also as a worker that we could get more out of lives and we could help others better. The better we are, the better we can help others.

What goes around comes around.

The biggest challenge is the get people motivated and that is my main focus. That is why I want to create different types of training for these people, different jobs. I want them to feel that is fun to work. I want them to feel that they are challenged on their work.  I will try to get them understand the benefits of hard work and the idea of that the better they are, more valuable they will be.

We have about 10 local guys working on our team on deck and on the café break we get together and it have been amazing listen these guys when they talk about the war. Stories bring people together.  Anyway we watched the movie blood diamond few days ago and that movie is about the war in Sierra Leone. On that movie the rebels cut people hands and it actually happened for real. I have seen few of those people here whose hands were cut…wow. Also one of my deck guys was forced to join the rebels when he was 6 years old and he spent 6 years with them.  Now he is about 20 years old.  

The war ended 2002.

So to get all these people together is a challenge.

Challenges bring happiness.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Do we have to be lucky to be happy?

“The more we work, the luckier we get”.-Tero Pilvi

When I was flying here to Sierra Leone I met this Finnish guy on the airport and we started to talk about happiness and later on we changed some thoughts via email and he sent me email saying that I should write about luck. So now I am doing it.

So do we need to be lucky to be happy? I am also doing a documentary about happiness while I am here in Sierra Leone and I just did my first interview yesterday. I asked a question: “Are you happy”? And this local fisherman answered: “No”, because he didn’t have nets to get any fish but he would be happy if he would get those net. So I started to think what do you need to be happy?

We stayed overnight on an island and this local fisher man provided us food, drinks and made us a campfire. I gave him few advices how to do business and how to get customers, he really appreciated to help I was giving him and we talked about happiness. His happiness was depending on fishing nets. With those nets he could get enough money to buy some food, a land to build a house and get his daughter to a school.

So, for happiness we need:

*       Food and drinks
*       Place to live
*       Something to do
*       Someone to love

Simple things!

All the rest of the things for happiness come inside us. Happiness is inside us. We just have to find it.

Do we need luck to be happy?

I think we don’t. We make our own luck. The more we work, the luckier we get is a good saying and it is true. We can be happy anywhere if we are provided with basic things which I mentioned earlier but we have to work for our happiness.

When we were on that island yesterday, we ate a simple dinner, we slept on the ground and we drank water. We were HAPPY. We had a nice group of people and we talked about everything between the earth and the sky. It was amazing, it was really good. All our basic needs were satisfied so were able to be happy. That was happiness.

Why we complicate our lives with all the worries and problems? The more things we buy, the more complicate our lives become. We buy a big house, so we have to clean more; we buy lots of clothes so have to wash more. We buy two cars and we have to do maintenance for them and everything cost money. To get all that we have to work more and at the end we are so stressed that we forget what happiness is. We make our life so full of material stuff that we don’t have time to be happy because we have to take care of all that stuff. Why?

The more simple life we have the happier we are.

We have to understand the difference between a pleasure and happiness. Pleasure is depending on external things and happiness is not. The more we pleasure ourselves unhappier we might get. Pleasure is short term solution for sadness for example unhealthy eating. If a person eats unhealthy all the time he or she becomes fat and will have lots of health problems. A good health is a basic for happiness.

Should we buy fewer things to get more time to ourselves and to our families? How much is enough? Does all that stuff  really make us happy?    

These are good questions; we just don’t think about them, we just buy…

We make our own luck, like we make our happiness. We have our own lives and we can make our own decisions. I decide to be happy.

“If you want to be happy, be”. –Leo Tolstoi

Thursday 9 June 2011

The best drug in the world.

"Achievements are built by being available". -Ville

Tonight we had a community meeting and during that meeting so many emotions went through me. Amazing! Today’s topic was “ be available” and it was a story about a man who was walking on the mountains and got robbed. When he was lying half death on the ground the first two people passed by him but the third person helped him. He made sure that the man was taking cared of and he promised to come back. The question was: are you AVAILABLE? The third person was. But why?

Powerful story!

Everyday people here go really deep, I mean really deep into serious issues. It is a journey to be here. I thought I didn’t have any issues but all these things make me feel. I don’t know what but I do feel. It is great to feel, I feel alive.

Coming back to that question am I available and I can honestly say that I am. Then I started to wonder WHY? Why I’m available. I don’t expect to get any reward or I don’t expect to get to the heaven. So why am I doing all this. Is there something wrong with me?  People have actually asked me that question, why I am helping other people. For me it is a stupid question, of course we should help other people, OF COURSE!! We can be selfish, love ourselves and do things for ourselves but at the end the most rewarding is to help others. So why we should help others is because by doing that we are helping ourselves and it is the right thing to do.

That is how I feel in my heart.

I have to admit that I don’t even know the right answer why I am doing this but I just feel that it is the right way to do. Everything here just feels right. I am feeling that I am, at the moment, in the right place doing the right thing. It is amazing feeling. I am high, high on life.

The best drug in the world is to start living. To get high on life!

I have opened my heart and my mind to the world and the world is coming to me.

By being available have given me so much, it’s just awesome. It just is.

Today was the end of the work week so tomorrow we are going camping…me camping? J After all the luxury ships and hotels it is great to go camping. J  It will be great fun, I am sure.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Sleepless in Sierra leone

“People love others not who they are but how they make them feel”, -Irwin Federman

Another week in paradise…Work wise these people have done great work; we have achieved quite a lot in the past week. No major problems and things are just going smooth. 
In the morning is great when we get together and like this morning we started our day by singing some songs. Happy songs, songs about Jesus in a really nice way. What amazing way to start the morning. I felt much better after few songs, great!! I have never done that before but it was GOOOOOD.
Could you image in our work place that first thing in the morning you would get together and sing few songs? You should try it!!  You can start by listening music in the morning or singing by yourself. It makes a difference.

Why the title sleepless in Sierra Leone is because there are so many things going in my head all the time that I am too excited to sleep. I do have good 6 hour rest every night but I feel like I would love to do everything, all the time!! Life is good.

Today we visited our hope center where some of our patients spend their nights due to lack of space here on the ship. We stayed there an hour walking around and playing with the kids. For me is amazing why they just want to hold your hand and be really close. All this is so opposite to Scandinavia where people think you are crazy if you touch them. Or if you smile to someone you are crazy too.
People in Finland think I am weird because I like to kiss on the cheek when I meet people. I love to do that!! I feel like I need to touch a person to get any kind of connection. What is wrong to be touched? What is wrong to smile? Why some people feel threatened if somebody touches them? Touching is good, touching is nice and smiling is amazing!!

I have a good story about meeting new people and greeting them. Few years ago I met my ex-girl friend’s mother in South Africa…In South Africa family and friends kiss each other, not always though, on the lips and that also happened when I met the mother.


I have to admit that it was little bit occurred but funny.  
I really think touching and smiling brings happiness and happiness brings happiness.

These people smiles to me and they look happy even all the misery that is here. Seeing them smile makes me smile.
A smile, just a small thing can make a huge difference.

So let’s be happy and smile.

“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared”.-Buddha

Sunday 5 June 2011

What a weekend!!! :)

“Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for”. –Joseph Addison

Amazing weekend.

Weekend started at Friday, we worked until 1700 and we managed to get things done for the weekend. It was raining on Friday and of course the container which we were waiting for arrived when it was raining most heavily. J I had to supervise that the operation went well in HEAVY rain…I was soaking wet!!  But it was only water. We tried to do some chipping and painting but it was useless due to rain.
Really good thing about Friday was that we managed to improve our water connection and I ordered a new mixer which helps us to get better quality water. GOOD. Friday was a good day.

In the evening on Friday we went for a dinner in some local restaurant, first of all we drove there for 2 hours!! The traffic is horrible here, chaos. Rules, lanes, traffic lights…?? NO!!! Here are rules of the jungle, go if you dare and use a lot of horn!!! Funny, but can be dangerous. Anyway we had some food and I had a coke, few jokes, stories and few laughs. We had a great time. People are really nice here.

Saturday, amazing day…We went on a beach and there was just us. Beautiful beach just for us, amazing!  So we spend the whole day there, talking, swimming, eating and playing with the local kids. We played Frisbee and some football. These kids are so good and they were having such a good time, they were happy.
There was an island close by and we swam there, we met this couple who are here to help people to build. It was so great to talk with them and I made a deal that they can visit our ship if I can spend over night at there place seeing what they are doing. Great!!
I was really touched when we were leaving; the kids hold my hand and asked if I am coming back on Sunday, they walked with me all the way to our car holding my hand. Wow.    

Some thoughts…

I have been thinking during these few days are how important is to appreciate what we have and have someone to talk to. So, looking at these people here who believe, they thank God for everything what they have and they appreciate their family and all the things God have given them. Apperception is a huge part of happiness!!! It is important that we look around and see all the things we have, especially we, who lives in Europe or in North America. We have everything but we just don’t understand to appreciate it!!! These people here have nothing but still everything because they appreciate things what they have.

“The richest person in the world is the one who appreciate the most” –Ville Patrikainen

Something to think about.

Other important thing to be happy is to have someone to talk to and these people here have God, they talk to God.
I have been thinking why believers are generally happier people and it is because they understand to appreciate and they have some one to talk to.

So if you want to be happy, make sure you have someone to talk to and not just about the weather, you have to open up and talk how you feel and what you are going through.


I love you so much and I appreciate all the things you have done for me. I wouldn’t be here doing what I am doing without you and your support. (I am crying…) I just think I have the best mother in the world. Thank you so much for everything!!! 

Aiti, ma rakastan sua. (in Finnish, Mother I love you)

For the rest of my family and for my kids I love as equal now and forever.    

Friday 3 June 2011

Happiness is a state of mind

The essence of philosophy is that man should so live that his happiness shall depend as little as possible on external things. -Epictetus

Last day of the working week. Strange. Normally on the ship we work everyday, all the weekends. Now I have weekends of, wow! What can I do in Freetown on weekends? Here we have change to visit local communities, local churches, women prisons and many other local institutes, all this is organized by the ship staff. We have several cars we can use so we are able to drive around and do things. Pretty great!

Today it’s been raining almost whole day but we still managed to do some paining and chipping. We washed our decks and we managed to close few other projects, it has been a really good day.

Yesterday I was listening women who works on the shore side trying convert African people to Christian. They are organizing meetings around the country for locals to hear the God words and trying to get them join. I just wonder what does it matter who is your God and what do you believe. I would think it would be more important to focus on working together and help others. How we know whose God is the real one? I would think that everybody thinks that their God is the right one. Can you change your God if you don't like the God you have? Does he go mad if you do that?
Another thing which came in my head was the idea that if you worship the God you will get to the paradise. Mmm, so people will do all what God said just to get to the paradise? So they are working to get something, they are working for themselves, for the reward. Is that selfish? Are all these people working here to help others because they feel that is right way to do or are they doing it because there is a reward?

These are just thoughts. I am not judging anyone, ever, but I do like to think what makes people do what they do.

For me one part of my happiness is to let people are what they are and not trying to change them or judge them. I don’t want to waist my time of something which doesn’t really matter.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness.  

I know most of the people are in pure heart, sincere, just helping people without any expectations to get anything back.

Few days ago, this ship made history. We had local people here on the ship doing fundraising and we raised over 30000 dollars to help local people. So the rich helped the poor. It is a big step!! Amazing!!

This is for now.

Happy people live longer….

Thursday 2 June 2011

Community gathering (Two different worlds)

I am the only Finnish onboard...I was surrounded by few hundreds crew member who are guided by Jesus. First we prayed, then our President gave a award for people who has served 5 and 10 years. I felt so strange in there. I am in Sierra Leone, in a hospital ship, singing songs about Jesus. There were good songs though but still it is so different what I have ever done.

It was two different worlds there. Me and the other world.

I have been going thru several different emotions during these 2 days. First when I arrive I felt scared, I was thinking what I am doing here. On the first day I was nervous but felt pretty good.
Today I have been feeling extreme happiness until tonight. It is a strange feeling to be surrounded by totally different people.

How I see all this. Tonight was good to get out from my little world and be part of something different. I went there with an open heart and mind and it was nice. Something new. Something different. Something real.

It is good to open your mind for new experiences and feel something different. Feel the love and the kindness of other people, amazing feeling.

During the songs some people were keeping there eyes closed and raising there hands, on that point I really felt their believes. Would I be happier if I would follow Jesus?

I don't know.

One thing I know I will get richer by being here and most likely happier and I will get so many memories and good moments which I will have forever.

Amazing day!!

This is what somebody has put on the wall in my office:

"Be such a man, and live such a life, that if every man were such as you, and every life a life like yours, this earth would be God's Paradise".

The day started with a meeting, deck and engine crew got together to discuss the weeks events. We started the day with an African song about Jesus. It was a good song and it made me smile!! J After that our President and founder of the Company made a fine speech how all of us are equally important on the cause we are doing.

After the meeting we got together with the deck crew and I briefed them about the days work. It is amazing work with people who are actually doing this for charity. Everybody knows this is my first time as Chief Officer and they have helped and supported me a lot. Amazing. In these two days I have been able to get over 20 projects with many different departments. I have just been running around the ship looking for things we could do to make things here better!!! It is great feeling be able to help and see things which actually matters.

We have 70 patients here on the ship and everyday we treat several patients who need immediate assistance. It is so good to be able to help these people. As a Chief Officer I coordinate all the deck work and I am responsible of the ship safety and security. I can say I have been enjoying every second.

Today we cleaned the top deck and we also managed to chip and paint quite a lot, also on deck 8. We solved few issues, got few things sorted out and we did it with a smile. Life is amazing.

We had a fire drill today and I am the on scene coordinator. We have 4 fire teams which I coordinate and we had 3 fires on deck 7. It was challenging but I managed to do my work great, really great!! It was such a good feeling, everything went amazingly good!!! All the top guys were really pleased how we all did. Great team work. It is different work with people who are actually motivated!!

The weather is really hot but I think I get use to it later.

Tomorrow is the last work day for this week. Weekends are off!! GREAT!! J I only work from Monday to Friday. 8-17.

One of the biggest challenge here is to get clean water, we are struggling to have good water onboard and the sea is so dirty that we have to make 3 dives a week to clean our engine intakes.

So happiness…I have been so happy on these two days!! My happiness has come from my work. I have been doing work that I love. That is important piece in the happiness puzzle. There has been a huge FLOW. I haven’t had time to think anything else except how to fix things here, how to make things better. I love my work.

Now I have to go, we have community gathering at 19:30, it will be interesting…

Wednesday 1 June 2011

First day on the ship in Sierra Leone, Africa

-Be the best today but better tomorrow-

I arrived yesterday here in Freetown, Sierra Leone. I was nervous, lots of butterflies in my stomach but happy. I have gave up my job on the cruise ships to come here. I was thinking what I am doing here, I was thinking REALLY??? This is so poor nation, people are living in bambu houses without nothing but still kids are playing on the street looking HAPPY!! That made me feel happy. I have met lots new people and it is strange to work with people who are actually doing this for nothing or are they? Volunteering gives so much back so is it really for free or do we actually get more than we give? Lots of different questions runs in  my head and this have been the first day. Amazing

On a first day we met with the deck crew, I introduce myself to everybody and got accepted really well. After that we had a meeting, we watched a videoclip about what faith is and how we can feel It. Faith was descripted that it is like a music, you just have to go with the flow and let the music take you. Interesting...Then I met the Captain and had a good chat with him, really nice person.

Another meeting at 09:00, all the head of the departments got to together and we discussed about future stuff.

Rest of the day I was walking around the ship, talking and asking all sort of things regarding my duties and any concerns regarding the safety or anything.
There is so much new things to me which I have to learn, all this is a huge challenge.

Life is an adventure.