
Get addicted to happiness, it is the best addiction you can get and you don't need rehab to treat it. When you reach happiness, you just have to go with the flow and enjoy the ride, that's life all about. Happiness is not a place or just a feeling, it should be a way of life, a habit. Make happiness a part of your life and get your fairytale. Happily ever after.

Thursday 20 June 2013

How to become a God of our own life

I haven't been writing here for a while...Now I have been really inspired because the place where I am and the people around me!! Thank you ALL...

Here are some random thoughts about life. I hope you enjoy reading it.

Don't take it too serious!! :)

BALI 2013

We are living in this world of thousand of Gods and spirits. There is a God or a spirit for everybody, we just have to pick one.

Having all these spirits and gods, I feel that we humans are kind of loosing ourselves and relying on Gods. Many of us are calling for the gods or spirit everyday for all kind of things like protection etc. What about calling ourselves for protection? We always tend to ask help from others...How about asking help from our inner self?

We are alone inside us whole our life, no one can get inside us. We are alone when we born and we are alone when we die. We can have lots of people outside us but NO ONE is really inside us, there we are always alone. Its like we have our own little world inside us.

When we finally realize, that inside, we all are alone and we all have our own little wolds, we can get to know it and maybe start doing things in it.

The world we have inside us is private and only the person him or herself can change it! We create our own worlds and some of us are more in control for all the changes and things happening in our worlds than others depending our level of mind and body control.

Everything affects our own inner world, the way we eat, speak, exercise etc...Our attitude creates the future for the world inside us.

First would be good to get the know the world inside us by walking around it and spending some time in it, just observing...The more knowledge we have about ourselves, the more better control we are able to achieve.

We can let people to visit our world but they hardly have time to see the whole thing. We normally have  some areas we let them to stay for a while, some times people stay there for a longer time but only if we let to.

Most of us also are just living in our own wolds not really seeing it or getting most of it. We are just hanging out there not paying attention what is really happening.

We are the air, the ground, the sky and all the trees in our own world, we are the world. We should stop just living in in it, we should become gods of our own lives and be a observer up in the sky and make decision for our well being, for our happiness.

Our worlds are changing moment by moment, do we want it or not, and we should not let the world change us, we should change the world.

We should be in control, we should be the gods of our own lives and decide how much suffering and happiness is in our world.

We can choose.

Stepping in the position of a observer gives us a better view of our own selves which helps us to manage it more efficiently.

Let's our hearts to be guides in our world and let's be observers,  GODS.

Let's be in control and decide sadness or happiness.